Week 2 Photo Gallery

Find images that you and your peers have uploaded to our week’s photo gallery here. Add new images at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday-Ice cream day! Dressed up like an ice cream cone!
Wednesday-Ice cream day! Dressed up like an ice cream cone!
Wearing all blue for bible study!
Wearing all blue for bible study!
Harry Potter dress up
Harry Potter dress up
Bible study on Harry Potter day -Dylan S.
Bible study on Harry Potter day -Dylan S.
Dance Party!
Dance Party!
Holy Hot Cheetos Village Tues Theme: Harry Potter day
Holy Hot Cheetos Village Tues Theme: Harry Potter day
Mountain masterpiece!
Mountain masterpiece!
Morning Watch time!
Morning Watch time!
Yummy hike day roll up!
Yummy hike day roll up!
Evening worship
Evening worship
RTLC bread!
RTLC bread!
Cheers from Sarah & Rebekah!
Cheers from Sarah & Rebekah!
Painting with Megan
Painting with Megan
Yay, RTLC!
Yay, RTLC!
Rebekah practicing Megan’s tutorial!
Rebekah practicing Megan’s tutorial!
Magic! Look what arrived today. :) So cool! Thank you!
Magic! Look what arrived today. 🙂 So cool! Thank you!
Scavenger hunt for the RTLC camp rainbow (wildflower Hunt)
Scavenger hunt for the RTLC camp rainbow (wildflower Hunt)
Taiya w-RTLC symbol
Taiya w-RTLC symbol
Excited to “see” you all! Thank you Cam for the wonderful message.
Excited to “see” you all! Thank you Cam for the wonderful message.

