Week 4 Photo Gallery

Find images that you and your peers have uploaded to our week’s photo gallery here. Add new images at the bottom of the page.

Puzzle time
Puzzle time
Arts & Crafts
Arts & Crafts
It’s all fun and games when your Crazy Creek tips over.
It’s all fun and games when your Crazy Creek tips over.
Friendship Bracelets
Friendship Bracelets
Happy. Happy. Happy family dinner tonight!
Happy. Happy. Happy family dinner tonight!
Meditation Mountains with Meg!
Meditation Mountains with Meg!
Watercolor Meditation with Meg Erke
Watercolor Meditation with Meg Erke
Crafts with Allison, Karly, Roi and Ede
Crafts with Allison, Karly, Roi and Ede
Wednesday Hike Day! We hiked and made it to the top!
Wednesday Hike Day! We hiked and made it to the top!
I am very good!
I am very good!
I am good! And He is great!
I am good! And He is great!
I’m very good!
I’m very good!
I am ‘very good’ and so is Laney
I am ‘very good’ and so is Laney
We had our fire for worship! -mitch & leslie
We had our fire for worship! -mitch & leslie

